Reg contracts Hepatitis C

[Editors Note: Reggie had always said that he would never share a needle since he understood the risks of doing that, however, on the first occasion he did this, while intoxicated with Heroin, he contracts Hepatitis C from a friend of his, while he was running his Beer & Wine store.

During this time period, it was not uncommon to come into the store and see Reggie completely stoned. The store was a success though because it filled a market need, and he was fortunate to have his sister-in-law, Gaylene MacDonald, running the store.

Reggie never complained about the effect of Hep C on his health, but you could see that it had a huge impact on jim physically.  He was tired looking and he never had a lot of energy.  It is hard to imagine how hard your life is when you have this disease; you are fighting one of the worst addictions there is; and you have pressure to get a job, when doors are shut in front of you because of your criminal record.  I don't know what I would have done in his position.