Reg fought for access to Educational Materials

It does not make sense to impose an across the board policy restructuring access to educational materials to prevent a few inmates from attempting to have drugs sent in through the mails. Could not a vigilant security officer screen incoming materials for contraband.

It is acceptable for the staff for inmates to watch television or play cards all day but any attempt by an inmate to engage in productive use of his time is actively discouraged.

Computers are virtually inaccessible.

Access to Gym, library, outdoors severely restricted.

Unlike other gov’t departments, lack of funding is not an issue. The department of justice appears to be quite generous in providing funding that will make things easier for the guards. This place could survive numerous staffing cutbacks without affecting the efficiency of the system (rec director, woodshop, gym) Recently 30-40 new dishes were purchased at an approximate cost of $1500 each, as well as new chairs, cabinets and shelving for the library (conversely, there is no money available to purchase books for the library.

I’ve been told by former Federal inmates that the security here is greater than that of Renous.

The mission of any correctional facility should be primarily rehabilitation. Obviously punishment is a factor as well. For most generally law abiding citizens punishment is quite possibly an effective deterrent, but for the criminally inclined person, a significant portion of the inmate population, the focus must shift to rehabilitation. Provide inmates with skills they are lacking or incentives to encourage change.

Many inmates have no direction, no focus in their lives. Correctional facilities must attempt to provide an alternative to the criminal lifestyle.


In the following photo gallery, you can see examples of some of the letters sent to and from prominent government officials, including the Solicitor General of Canada.  Also included are references to his work learning Japanese and Polish, various requests, and a diploma from a local college, sent to him for a course that he did not complete!