
One of the things that really surprised us when we read Reg's diaries was the extent to which he had used pharmaceuticals.  In the present day, we've all come to realize what a scourge these drugs are on society, but at the time, we had no idea this was a big problem.

He apparently started to use these drugs during his period of heroin addiction.  Apparently, if you can't get heroin, you can take various types of opiates or narcotics to offset the symptoms of withdrawal.  We see some references to Percocet, in his flight to Iceland, which he had taken with him, since he did not want to risk taking heroin internationally, and we see other references elsewhere before he goes to jail.

In jail, as I guess we should not be surprised, there is no shortage of pills to be bought and abused.  As you read his jail diary, try and keep track of all the different drugs that he was getting - these are the ones that we have identified:

Clinical Depression and generalized anxiery disorder drugs:  Atarax, Busparone, Xanax, Inderol, Paxil, Valium, Serax

Opiates (natural/synthetic):  Codeine, Demerol, Dilaudid, Fiorinal, Heroin, Morphine, Oxycontone, Percocet, Percocil

Barbiturate / Sedative:  Phenobarbitol, Seconal

Nausea and Motion Sickness:  Gravol

Unknown / mispelled:  Halidid, Secat