A  Sparrow leads the way ...

May 31, 2006 - On Wednesday afternoon, May 31, Cindy, Helen and I decided to go out and search on the other side of the road.  Cindy and Helen were on the same side as the Ouija Board the night before had suggested.  There was a heavy underbrush, etc.  I let them off near a small brook and I went south about 100 yards to a little clearing to park on an old wood road.  I walked about 10 yards in and I found a blue t-shirt. I hung it on a tree.

I walked about 100 yards to where there was a big leaning hard wood tree.  I then decided to start back out due to the small size pieces of Reggie that had been found to date our heads or eyes were glued to the ground.  We were carrying each a portable radio and all of a sudden Cindy said “Papa”, I am petting the back of a wild bird.  My first reaction to her was to say, “Girl, you are loosing it”, but I didn’t.  The bird was really there; it was some sort of a sparrow. 

I kept walking back out of the woods and where I came to the t-shirt, I turned right (north) of the path and few yards ahead of me was a thicket.  I started to walk into and something told me to “get the hell out of here”.  I obeyed and I am sure if I had looked up straight ahead, I would have seen Reggie’s skull, I don’t think I was any more than ten or twelve feet from him.  It was just not to be. 

Helen came to where Cindy was and the bird was a branch and Cindy was rubbing its back.  It was hard going where they were, “Just like the psychic had said”.  The bird would hop across a few trees, stop, look over its shoulder and chirp, as much as to say, “hurry up”.  This same procedure was followed five or six times and finally it hopped into a thicket, they had been asking the bird to take them to Reggie, then they decided this is getting too serious and stopped, they were scared of finding something Reggie.

We had the car and Cindy was in the back seat, driving in the Glen Road towards New Harmony and I looked up and said, “I see an airplane”, Cindy said where?  She could not see it because of the tall trees, we soon came to a gap and we could see the airplane again.  All of a sudden she said, “stop the car”. I stopped and I was on top of the big culvert over the MacLellan brook.  Our psychic said I hear highway 91, we were near RT 16 (flip 91 around …).  I see a small Creek “brook”, big culvert pipe, this one is 10 or 12 feet high and we are looking at a small plane, flying low over us.