Family Support through the Ordeal

Mike and Art were a great help through this whole ordeal.  Mike was shifting jobs in May in California and I asked him if he could come here for a few days, as it was getting very hectic here.  He flew overnight to Toronto, then to Halifax airport at 10 am on Monday May 26.

He called me from the Halifax Airport to see if the Wood Islands boat had started, it was the first day and he could get the 6 pm boat and that would put him in Souris around 8 pm.  He first went into Halifax and then he started for Caribou, he buckled up driving a new Ford Taurus rental and tired from flying all night and had set the cruise control at 120K.  He was in the left lane and fell asleep and when he woke up, he was after cruising further left and into the median grassy area between the divided highways.  At quite an angle, something told him, “don’t hit the brakes” and he worked the car back up on the road. 

This is a prime example of it could always be worse.  He stayed for a few days and the next time he came was just after Reggie’s car was found.  .  Helen and I took Mike and Lisa to Moncton airport for an early flight; we left here at 2:30 am.  Helen and I were planning on staying over but I guess we were restless and came back home. 

We arrived home shortly after five,  and had a message from a RCMP member.   He came here and told us that a positive ID had been made through dental records and it was Reggie.  We at first thought it would take about a week, finally we had closure.   The next time he came and went through Charlottetown.  Three trips across the continent in less than two months is quite a feat.