Prescription Problems

This morning (Monday, October 17, 2005), I went to Charlottetown to see the doctor. I picked up carries [carryover prescription] on Wednesday and I mistakenly thought that they were to last till (and including) Sunday and then I would see the doctor as usual [for a refill]. Turns out that my appointment was Friday, and not today. What a mess. The doctor wasn't in. He had left instructions to wait till I contacted them and also left a one-week prescription with no carries. Apparently, I am bad. A simple mistake I thought but .... not so.

No suprise that I was asked for a urine test. Then in Souris, I'm hit up for a second test. After questioning it, Charlottetown is called and I'm told to do it anyway. I've given them no reason to test me, but I feel like a leper. I'm going to get off this stuff.

Also today, C burned me for $80. I'll hear about it at the BlueFin [Lounge]. So stupid. Like we'll never meet again. How do they think?


November 9, 2005
I hate Barb L.  I hate her.  I really fucking hate her.  Seems like I spend 2 or 3 hours a day, if not more, thinking about this.  Every time I go to the drug store, I expect to be nailed for a piss test.